Educational offer

The Ca n'Oliver Museum invites educational centers to discover the Iberian culture and archeology through its activities: visits, thematic workshops and a combination of visit and workshop.


Laietania, land of the Iberians

The activity is presented as a journey that brings us closer to the main features of Iberian culture. The visit to the permanent exhibition, the village and the three reconstructed Iberian buildings allows us to discover the origin and end of this culture, their daily life and craft activities, technological and cultural innovations, etc.

Nivell: Educació Primària. Cicle Superior (5è o 6è)
Educació Secundària Obligatòria (Primer i Segon Cicle) i Batxillerat
Durada: 2 hores
Nº d’alumnes per sessió: 30
Preu: 70 € (grup classe)

Thematic workshops

Get dressed like an Iberian

The activity combines a visit to the permanent exhibition and the village related to the chosen theme and a workshop that relates productive activities to everyday life. The workshop revolves around the Iberian clothing (materials, techniques, etc.) and the participants have to decorate a fabric ribbon and make a necklace.

Nivell: Educació Primària. Cicle Mitjà (3r i 4t)
Durada: 2 hores
Nº d’alumnes per sessió: 30
Preu: 100 € (grup classe)

What does it say?

The activity combines a visit to the permanent exhibition and the village related to the chosen theme and a workshop that revolves around the languages of the Mediterranean. The workshop consists of a work of approach to the main alphabets and ancient languages and the experimentation of different writing techniques on ceramics and metal. It includes teaching material.

Nivell: Educació Primària. Cicle Superior (5è i 6è)
Durada: 2 hores
Nº d’alumnes per sessió: 30
Preu: 100 € (grup classe)

Combination of visit and workshop

Get dressed like an Iberian

The activity combines a visit to the permanent exhibition, the village and the three reproduced buildings to discover the main features of Iberian culture and a thematic workshop that relates productive activities to everyday life. The workshop revolves around the Iberian clothing (materials, techniques, etc.) and the participants have to decorate a fabric ribbon, make a necklace and use a manual loom.

Nivell: Educació Primària. Cicle Mitjà (3r i 4t)
Durada: 3 hores
Nº d’alumnes per sessió: 30 / 60
Preu: 160 € (grup classe) / 260 € (preu especial dos grups simultanis)

What does it say?

The activity combines a visit to the permanent exhibition, the village and the three reproduced buildings to discover the main features of Iberian culture and a workshop that revolves around the languages of the Mediterranean. The workshop consists of a work of approach to the main alphabets and ancient languages and the experimentation of different writing techniques on ceramics and metal.

Nivell: Educació Primària. Cicle Superior (5è i 6è)
Durada: 3 hores
Nº d’alumnes per sessió: 30 / 60
Preu: 160 € (grup classe) / 260 € (preu especial dos grups simultanis)

How to build an Iberian house

The activity combines a visit to the permanent exhibition, the village and the three reproduced buildings to discover the main features of Iberian culture and a thematic workshop on construction techniques and Iberian houses. The workshop is done by teams and is an approach to the raw materials used to build, from the selection of the material to the production of Iberian style adobes.

Nivell: Educació Primària. Cicle Superior (5è i 6è)
Durada: 3 hores
Nº d’alumnes per sessió: 30 / 60
Preu: 160 € (grup classe) / 260 € (preu especial dos grups simultanis)

Discover archeology

The activity combines a visit to the permanent exhibition, the village and the three reproduced buildings to discover the main features of Iberian culture and a thematic workshop on archeology. The workshop is done by teams and is an approach to archeology as a science that allows us to reconstruct the past from evidences and application of certain techniques to identify and characterize an Iberian settlement.

Nivell: Educació Secundària Obligatòria (Primer i Segon Cicle)
Durada: 3 hores
Nº d’alumnes per sessió: 30 / 60
Preu: 160 € (grup classe) / 260 € (preu especial dos grups simultanis)